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Alternatively, a sitemap listing can be viewed below:
- About us
- Careers
- Knowledge and insights
- Our history
- Our people
- Adrian Wilson
Partner Consultant - Andy Rayner
Partner Consultant - Bernard Murray-Gates
Principal Consultant - Chris Hobson
Partner Consultant - Christopher Worsley
CEO - Costas Chryssou
Principal Consultant - David MacLeod
Partner Consultant - Hilary Small
Principal Consultant - Jane Marshall-Nichols
COO - Nadia Sylvester
Business Development - Nick Dobson
Principal Consultant - Patrick Boulter
Principal Consultant - Paul Ashton
IT Manager - Peter Collin
Principal Consultant - Peter Wheelhouse
- Richard Bateman
Engagement Lead - Thomas Docker
Principal Consultant
- Adrian Wilson
- Our services
- Our values
- Success Stories Shared
- Bakr Zade
Principal Consultant - Beneficial change management
- Case studies
- Case studies
- CofEe Club
- Contact us
- Courses
- Free development needs analysis
- Free development needs analysis
- Free project management questionnaire
- Home
- How to find us
- Insights
- Latest thinking
- Press releases
- Sarah Darrington
Course Delivery Manager - Subscribe
- Talking change
- Terms & conditions
- Thank you for attending a CITI event!
- Thank you for completing the questionnaire
- Thank you for completing the questionnaire
- Thank you for completing the questionnaire
- The power of models
- Welcome to CITI
- What we do
- Xchange