Energy and utilities

CITI has a long history of supporting the energy industry, seeing it through deep changes over the past 20 years, from our early involvement in the de-regulation of the UK’s electricity generating and distribution industry to our work with renewable energy companies today.

In the UK, regulatory changes have been introduced to aggressively address emissions of greenhouse gases and, in particular, carbon emissions.  Key milestones are in place, driven by global agreements, and power generating companies must plan their operations carefully to meet strict carbon emissions targets.   Older power stations require considerable investment to become compliant and many will close over the coming few years.  In their place, energy producers are building many new, efficient gas turbine stations, nuclear power stations and renewable energy facilities.

All this means huge change for organisations producing electricity, fuel and alternative energy resources.  We are working with several of Europe’s largest energy producers to meet these challenges.  Our partnership often starts at board level to translate their strategies into implementation, to sustain step and evolutionary changes to their organisations.

Working with CITI has added significant value to our company. Collectively adopting an innovative approach, this has been embraced by all levels of our organisation. The opportunity has changed cultures and behaviours, benefited our people, and introduced consistent and workable processes.
Director, RWE

Equivalent challenges exist for water companies, who are expected to satisfy an increasing need for water and deal with increasing levels of waste.

As well, we are seeing more and more the drive by companies to become a single supplier to a customer for all their utility services.  This has to be balanced against an increasing tendency for consumers to change suppliers, apparently based solely on price.  A demonstration of diminishing loyalty on the part of consumers.

Organisations that we have or are working with include AEA, BG, BNG, BP,  EDF Energy, Magnox, RWE npower, Severn Trent Water, Shell, and Thames Water.

Clearly, there are difficult changes ahead for our energy and utility partners, but with the right change management, supporting visionary leadership and agile business operations, we will be there, every step of the way, to help them plan for and realise value to both their organisations, their customers and the environment.

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Thomas has helped many blue chip and government organisations improve their change capability through supporting leaders of strategic change initiatives and critical programmes. With a background in strategic business modelling and civil engineering, engineering, information technology and business change projects, Thomas is able to distil the essential concerns that challenge our clients.

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