Links of interest

How do we create buy-in to a proposed major change?  We know that communication is key to this, but what emphasis should there be on communicating why we are changing against how we will change and what will be the things that we change?

We are aware that individuals, early in a change initiative, will go from denial into defending their existing position, and will be looking at how the change will impact them, personally.  This could lead us to focus on the what first.

Simon Sinek’s golden circle suggests that why we are doing the change will win the day and should get us to the tipping point for buy-in more quickly.

Do you agree with this sentiment?  Do you have evidence that supports or contradicts what Simon Sinek is saying?

(You might like to have a look at the post Followers or leaders – who is more important?)

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Thomas has helped many blue chip and government organisations improve their change capability through supporting leaders of strategic change initiatives and critical programmes. With a background in strategic business modelling and civil engineering, engineering, information technology and business change projects, Thomas is able to distil the essential concerns that challenge our clients.

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