Follow or lead

Is this a twist on “Which came first the chicken or the egg?”

Maybe, but one thing is clear, unless there is someone willing to follow there is no leader; not even if one has the title of CEO or executive sponsor.

There are a lot of change management workshops and courses on leadership and creating leaders, but ‘creating’ followers tends to be handled across a number of areas that includes ‘motivation’ and ‘dealing with resistance’.  Are we doing the followers justice?

Derek Sivers uses one of the many music festival videos in discussing leaders and followers.  Be warned, the camerawork is shaky at best!

What is your view on ‘creating’ followers?

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Thomas has helped many blue chip and government organisations improve their change capability through supporting leaders of strategic change initiatives and critical programmes. With a background in strategic business modelling and civil engineering, engineering, information technology and business change projects, Thomas is able to distil the essential concerns that challenge our clients.

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