We have helped many organisations identify and deal with the ‘people’ challenges of change
A newly appointed director of wealth management in a bank was handed an unmanageable portfolio of work. He attempted to gain agreement from the management team on which projects to…
Frequently asked questions
These FAQs are designed to provide a better understanding of CITI, our licenses and our other legal and technical tools. They provide basic information, sometimes about fairly complex topics. These…
If I need advice who can help me?
Anyone at CITI will be happy to help you! Call us on 01908 283600 and we will be sure to connect you to the right person or department.
How can I pay for my course?
You can pay for your course online using a credit or debit card, or we can take payment over the phone. If your employer is funding your course place, you…
What happens if I want to cancel my course?
We will endeavour to find you a place on another course that suits your timescale; this may however incur a transfer fee, and if cancelling completely with little or no…
Do I need an open course or an in-company course?
An open course is a public course attended by individuals or small groups from organisations, but the course itself is open to anyone and will be attended by people from…
How to handle negative feedback
It’s generally accepted that one of the most important aspects of successful change is seeking and dealing with feedback. However, we can find negative feedback hard to deal with and…
Are you a manager or director who needs to ensure that the investment in a support office meets the needs of senior executives while delivering value to the business? Are you charged with maximising value from the company’s project portfolio and programmes? Do you support and guide project and programme…
Are you affected by projects and the way they are managed? Do you want to learn how to apply core principles of project management to your current job? Are you a work package manager, project office member, business manager or domain expert whose job is changed by projects? Are you…
Our stakeholders have potentially conflicting perspectives and priorities regarding the change – what should we do?
Individuals have their own motivations and agendas. This is not the result of malevolence or deliberate troublemaking – it’s just the way things are. In order for change to happen…