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Tools and guides
CITI's range of tools and e-guides encapsulates our knowledge and experience as well as industry best practice in project and programme management. Developed for our clients' use by our expert consultants, these tool-kits can be tailored to reflect your organisation's own approaches or methods.
eProject management guide
This e-PM guide is a source of support for project managers and focuses on 'best-practice', particularly the use of product-based planning, where project critical success factors are proactively addressed to achieve the project's objective. The guide has four major components: a 'best-practice' guide, a method handbook, examplars and proformas for download and supporting information or external references.
eProgramme management guide
The e-PgM guide describes the framework and approaches of programme management, helping you to focus on success factors. This practical guide written by practitioners provides clear guidance on 'best-practice', supporting you with the complex judgements involved in delivering the business vision through programmes.
eChange management guide
To be effective, change not only needs to be delivered but also embedded firmly into your organisation. Our e-CM guide supports you in the implementation of successful change; it ensures you keep stakeholders, at all levels, informed of what is happening, with funding and resourcing for initiatives firmly in place.