profiling capability - understanding your capability to deliver
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  programme managers
Profiling for programme managers and senior project managers who are about to run a major change programme. Organisations can have the confidence that individuals appointed to driving business change have the knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience to meet the demands of the job. Profiling identifies where individuals can benefit from development or additional experience and where they should be confident that their judgment is right.
  project sponsors
Behaviour profiling for project sponsors identifies the types of project sponsors the organisation has from the categories of executive sponsors, business sponsors and technical sponsors, and aligns them with the initiatives the organisation is wanting to deliver. Introduces sponsors to the desired skills and approach, allowing them to modify their behaviour to suit the needs of a project or project manager.
  project managers
Capability profiling for project managers. Project performance is affected more by the capability of the project manager than any other factor. By profiling individual project managers, it is possible to make sensible choices and identify suitable development opportunities, to safely recruit project managers, to match project managers to projects and benchmark the organisational project capability.
  business & technical analysts
Categorisation and grading for business architects, integrators and analysts. Analysts are critical resources for organisations and are often misused. This profiling tool allows organisations to identify how to deploy different types of analysts effectively. The project managers get a comprehensive analysis of his/her approach to projects; what matches good performance and what needs attention in a detailed personal development plan.

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