profiling - project managers

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  project manager profiling

Capability profiling for project managers. The tools examine the knowledge, skills, experiences and behaviours of the individual project manager.


value to the organisation


Project performance is affected more by the capability of the project manager than any other factor. By profiling individual project managers, it is possible to make sensible choices and identify suitable development opportunities, to safely recruit project managers, to match project managers to projects and benchmark the organisational project capability.


value to the individual

The project managers get a comprehensive analysis of his/her approach to projects; what matches good performance and what needs attention in a detailed personal development plan.





CITI uses a three-stage approach to profiling project managers using the tools below:

Experiential questionnaire: examines appropriate and previous experience.

Knowledge questionnaire: assesses understanding of project terms and methods.

Capability questionnaire: measures the skill set against a benchmark

Structured project critique evaluation: evaluates attitudes and skills in a project situation.


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