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Unicom - effective programme & project management
13-14th May 2008
Kensignton Close Hotel, London

The accelerated pace of change now facing all industries in the 21st century is a golden opportunity for programme and project managers as they enhance the enterprises’ business performance towards the achievement of organisational goals.

To find out more, please download the presentation by Chris Hodson here.

Best Practice Showcase 2008
24th June 2008
QEII Centre, Westminster, London

Best Practice Showcase 2008 offers delegates a range of sessions with a number of alternative formats. The scope and focus of the event is to involve you, the participants, as much as possible to create a "Learning Conference".

For further details, please click here.


PMI UK Chapter - Forensic project management
4th June 2008


Why do projects fail? What can be done to prevent it happening? It is no longer enough to consign failures to history, apportion blame wherever it will stick, and move on. This argues a new maturity and awareness that often it is the project environment that plays a key role in project failure.

Forensic project management is the process of revealing the sources of poor project performance. It identifies both the immediate cause as well as the predisposing causes of failure, with a view to eliminating the source. Repetition is the most wasteful and corrosive type of failure. The forensic approach dissects the project in a manner that analyses the factors that led to morbidity and, where rescue is possible, recommends direct actions to rectify or avoid the problem manifesting itself again.

If you need to know why projects fail, and what can be done to prevent it happening, please download Christopher Worsley’s presentation here.


Project Management South Africa (PMSA) Conference
26-28th May 2008
Johannesburg, South Afica


2012 might not seem far away, but for South Africa, 2010 (the FIFA World Cup) is just around the corner. Massive infrastructure projects such as the Gautrain Rapid Rail Link are the order of the day. At the biennial project management conference, held by the Project Management South Africa (PMSA) association in Johannesburg from 26–28 May 2008, delegates were exposed to the immensity of these undertakings.

For further details, please click here.


Knowing the Value of your PPSO and Getting your Organisation on Board
10th April 2008
Aston Business School, Lakeside Conference, Birmingham


Consider the evolution of many PPSO-type organisations - they often start off as the result of an enlightened individual who has identified a need to solve a worsening situation in the project delivery department - a PPSO is an ideal vehicle to promise to halt the decline in delivery that gets shown to the directors each month: budgets over-running, disputes with suppliers, deadlines being missed, and the ever-growing unrest from the user base - "it's not what we wanted"!

For further details, please click here.


Project Challenge - Spring 2008
12 – 13th March 2008
NEC Birmingham


Packed full of fresh ideas and highly effective solutions Project Challenge will provide significant advantage for the whole team. It brings together around 80 of the leading exhibitors for you to network with on a face to face basis.

For further details, please click here.

Unicom - key steps to successful programme and project management
20-21st November 2007
Kensington Close Hotel, London

The accelerated pace of change facing all industries in the 21st century is a golden opportunity for Programme and Project managers. 'Globalisation' is now widely accepted as a fact of life - although there is still an argument about exactly what it means. But what are the implications for project management? Geoff Vincent, Principal Consultant CITI Limited, discussed the challenge of globalisation and what it means for the profession.

To download a copy of the presentation used at the event please click here

APM - project management conference
30-31st October 2007
The Brewery Conference Centre, London

This new interactive conference set out to debate key subjects on the national project management agenda. Louise Worsley, CITI Design Authority, took a fresh perspective on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, skills and experience (or KASE) of project managers. Using data that has been collected by CITI over the last 3 years, Louise brought to light some interesting, and in some cases unexpected, new insights about the project management profession. The following documents are available for download from this event:-

Presentation used by Louise Worsley click here.

Project Manager Profiling whitepaper part one click here.

Project Manager Profiling whitepaper part two click here.

NCPM at Middlesex University questionnaire click here.

Project Challenge - autumn event
19-20th September 2007
Olympia, London

The UK's biggest and most important event for Projects, Programmes, Process and Resource. Packed full of fresh ideas and highly effective solutions, the Project Challenge show brought together 100 of the UK's leading project and programme providers for delegates to network with on a face to face basis and CITI was there! At this autumn's event Christopher Worsley, CEO of CITI, analysed an ultra fast project to find what project control techniques work, and how we transfer them into more everyday project performance.

For further details, please click here.

5th Annual Best Practice Showcase
27th June 2007
Westminster, London

This showcase is always received with great enthusiasm by speakers and delegates, in recent years the event has scored an impressive 98% satisfaction rating from delegates. This really is a must attend event for Project Directors and Head of Programmes from private and public sectors.

This years event is entitled 'Getting the Big Four Right: Managing Effective Projects, Programmes and Risk Management' and will take place at the QEII Conference Centre, Westminster, London on Wednesday 27 June 2007. Recently awarded the 'Best UK Venue' title the centre offers the finest facilities combining modern comfort with the latest in technology.

The 2007 seminar programme has been designed especially to focus on enterprise programme and project management and will comprise of five seminar sessions, each with a choice of four different seminars to choose from. These will include:-

Project Manager Profiling: building a community fit for purpose
Steve Jones, GCHQ with Hilary Small, CITI

In developing corporate capability in any particular discipline, organisations need to establish their current and desired states, and develop, implement and review a strategy for attaining that desired position. The use of project management profiling identifies each practitioner's level of capability, and facilitates the identification of individual development needs and informs corporate tactics and progress.

GCHQ established its project management profession some three years ago, and has gradually developed collateral to support the development of its project management community, including a development framework, fully defined roles and career paths, and promotion integrated with corporate standards. The maturity of the project management profession is evidenced by increased capability, development against an approved business plan, and recognition by peer groups within the organisation.

To find out more about this event visit

Project Challenge - spring event
June 2007
Olympia, London

At this autumn's event Christopher Worsley, CEO of CITI, analyses an ultra fast project to find what project control techniques work, and how we transfer them into more everyday project performance. Interested? Book your seat at Project Challenge today.

Packed full of fresh ideas and highly effective solutions, the Project Challenge show brings together 100 of the UK's leading project and programme providers for delegates to network with on a face to face basis and CITI will be there!

The show also offers a diverse range of content led seminars. Authoritative and practical advice from leading industry experts delivered via a blend of case study experience and expertise.

These high quality seminars are a perfect opportunity to learn new approaches and develop your skills. They also count towards CPD points awarded by the APM. So you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by attending.

Christopher Worsley's session on 'Ultra fast projects' is on the 19th September. He is a popular speaker at this event, as he engages the audience with his lively and passionate style. Previous events suggest that you may need to get to his session early as generally late arrivals find that there is standing room only!

Ultra-fast projects
Accelerated delivery, shortened times to market, and crashing schedules are increasing pressures on project managers. Interesting and sometimes amusing approaches have been adopted - time boxing, DSDM, and agile development all have their advocates but often confuse product with project delivery. In this session we analyse an extreme project - the delivery of a project in ultra-fast time - to find what project control techniques work, and how we transfer them into more everyday project performance.

To find out more about this event go to

PMI UK Chapter
9th May 2007

The UK Chapter of PMI is one of the largest in the world and achieves exceptional attendance for their London meetings. PMI have been fortunate to secure the BT Centre auditorium, one of London's leading lecture theatres, for this year's event.

This particular meeting promises to be an excellent opportunity for not only learning but also for networking with other project professionals.

Speakers are especially chosen to represent a good spread of professional project management endeavour and CITI's CEO, Dr. Christopher Worsley, will be delivering the following session:

The Power of Projects
Managing a project well, requires a combination of skill and judgement, good communication and excellent control. What sets apart successful project managers from the rest is the way they balance the demands of stakeholders with the disciplines of project systems and the aspirations and capabilities of the project team. So what is it that makes professional project managers successful? Christopher explores the elements of judgement and control that go beyond method.

For more information visit the PMI website

Project Challenge - autumn event
19-20th September 2007
Olympia, London

If you would like to access Dr Christopher Worsley’s presentation on Forensic project management recently delivered at the Project Challenge autumn show 2006 - click here.

Christopher’s session at this show was on ‘forensic project management’. Projects do fail – but when the problem was avoidable because it was a repetitive error – one made before and the signs were known but ignored, the impact is worse . A forensic service identifies causes, may apportion blame if appropriate but essentially identifies policies and practices to adopt to prevent a re-occurrence. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the approach is allowing an organisation to move on – with a new maturity and awareness about the factors in the project environment that trigger project failure.

Project Challenge - autumn event
March 2006
Olympia, London

If you would like to access Dr Christopher Worsley’s presentation on Controlling Projects and Portfolios recently delivered at the Project Challenge spring show 2006 - Click here.

Christopher’s session delivered at the show focuses on the meaning of control. Monitoring and control are usually linked together, yet they demand different skills. There are text books on monitoring – but on control – making things happen rather than watching it go on – there is very little for the practising project manager to turn to.


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