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Best Practice Showcase 2008
24th June 2008
QEII Centre, Westminster, London
The idea at the 2008 Best Practice Showcase was to implement some of the features of modern event programming into a programme and provide you with a unique conference format with interactive high intensity sessions and tremendous networking opportunities. CITI's presented a case study with RWE npower.

Conceiving projects as creators of value, led RWE npower (UK's leading integrated energy company) to embark on an initiative to improve its management of outages.

Tony Wilkes, Operations Portfolio Co-ordinator, and Tom O'Shea, CITI Principal Consultant, discuss the cultural change and challenges RWE npower has overcome to manage each outage as a project, rather than as a process. They will also show how RWE npower are reaping the rewards, as outage times are optimised and sponsors work closely with their project managers to harvest value from the opportunities that outage offers.

To download the presentation please click here


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