APM - project management conference
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APM - project management conference
30-31st October 2007
The Brewery Conference Centre, London
This new interactive conference aims to set out and debate key subjects on the national project management agenda. Louise Worsley, CITI Design Authority, takes a fresh perspective on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, skills and experience (or KASE) of project managers. Using data that has been collected by CITI over the last 3 years, Louise brings to light some interesting, and in some cases unexpected, new insights about the project management profession.

KASE - profiling for project managers
The KASE information of a project manager is collected through questionnaires supplemented with face-to-face assessment. A common problem with questionnaires is that they are affected by biases that are difficult to determine, and are not well suited to the assessment of skills or behaviours. Combining questionnaires with structured interviews and case study reviews overcomes many of these problems and yields very rich data, with a high degree of predictive validity as well as having excellent face validity.

This session is a summary of the last 3 years of data collected from over 3,000 participants. The data is analysed by sector, job title and gender, and allows independent examination of each of the elements of KASE.

The highlights below are a taster of what Louise expanded upon in the presentation:

  • While consultants come out highest in terms of their own self assessment of experience they come out lowest when assessed against all of the KASE factors combined
  • Engineering managers come out in the top 3 when assessed against all KASE factors and yet perform relatively low against traditional knowledge tests
  • There are over 800 distinct job titles represented, with project leader increasingly becoming the standard title for more junior PMs

The following documents are available for download from this event:-

Presentation used by Louise Worsley click here.

Project Manager Profiling whitepaper part one click here.

Project Manager Profiling whitepaper part two click here.

NCPM at Middlesex University questionnaire click here



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