Key steps to successful programme and project management
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Unicom - Key steps to successful programme and project management
20-21st November 2007
Kensignton Close Hotel, London
The accelerated pace of change facing all industries in the 21st century is a golden opportunity for Programme and Project managers. 'Globalisation' is now widely accepted as a fact of life - although there is still an argument about exactly what it means. But what are the implications for project management? Geoff Vincent, Principal Consultant CITI Limited, discussed the challenge of globalisation and what it means for the profession.

Programme and Project Management has moved from the traditional back office function to become a crucial business technique. It now enhances the enterprise business performance towards the achievement of organisational goals.

This conference aims to promote the existence, implementation, and importance of the required essentials for achieving market leadership and performance excellence for the project and the organisation. The focus is on successful practices of project management.

One of the key issues covered is the challenge of globalisation and what it means for the profession. Geoff has worked in leadership and advisory roles on projects which have had a significant global impact. He has been involved in the birth of three new industries - mobile communications, personal computing and broadband - which now operate worldwide. At CITI he provides project consultancy to leading organisations, including assurance and 'forensic' consulting.

  • How the changes brought about by globalisation are driving demand for projects and programmes
  • How the profession itself is changing, with the growing need for a common set of skills, techniques and standards, based on the best of global experience
  • How the increasing pace of change is driving senior management attention from 'strategy' towards 'delivery', with a focus on turning strategy into fully realised action
  • How a systematic, 'forensic' approach is emerging to the analysis of project problems, based on proven techniques developed over some three decades

The growing need for senior professionals who can interpret project issues to non-specialists (including senior managers and, where appropriate, a public audience), as these issues become more and more important to both public and commercial organisations throughout the world.

To download a copy of the presentation used at the event please click here


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