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Knowing the Value of your PPSO and Getting your Organisation on Board
10th April 2008
Aston Business School, Lakeside Conference, Birmingham
Consider the evolution of many PPSO-type organisations - they often start off as the result of an enlightened individual who has identified a need to solve a worsening situation in the project delivery department - a PPSO is an ideal vehicle to promise to halt the decline in delivery that gets shown to the directors each month: budgets over-running, disputes with suppliers, deadlines being missed, and the ever-growing unrest from the user base - "it's not what we wanted"!

Assuming (dangerous I know!) that the PPSO gets to grips with all of these issues over time and the projects start to deliver, and everyone is happy (sounds a little like a fairy tale!) ever after…. until the bean counters come along and wonder what this "PPSO" line on the cost account is. Suddenly, with no poor-delivery imperatives, it's quite easy to ask why the PPSO is so big and now that the projects are all under control, what tangible benefits does it bring? If you can't answer that question as part of your "elevator pitch", you may be the first in line to experience the latest corporate efficiency drive!

The PPSO can turn from "hero" into "sitting duck" overnight; a victim of its own success.

The Spring 2008 PPSOSIG Conference discussed how to identify the type of PPSO you work in. John Zachar, Principal Consultant CITI set the scene for the day discussing the Different Types of PPSO in organisations today. In the afternoon, Chris Hobson, Principal Consultant CITI, challenged the benefits of your PPSOs and showed why Stakeholders are important to you, and why you are important to them looking for ways to enhance your stakeholder relationships and creating a stakeholder management plan.

To download a PDF version of the stakeholder and engagements session presented - click here

To download a PDF version of the types of PPSO session presented - click here


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