Our Autumn 2007 Bulletin which provides news and information on the latest topics affecting project management professionals today.
Molecular mission: DNA is rarely out of the news. DNA solves crimes that no other technique can touch, while promising even more dramatic advances in healthcare. Is there anything equivalent in the project world? This article uncovers the links between project DNA and how that impacts on success and failure.
Keeping the lights on: A power station that’s not working can be extremely costly! So an essential aspect of operating power stations is to carefully manage the times when a station is taken ‘offline’ and out of production, for scheduled maintenance and repair to take place. RWE npower discuss the benefits of using project management to keep the lights on!
Up and coming events: To keep you abreast of what is happening, we have enclosed with Bulletin information for three key industry events coming up over the next few months. We are running seminars on new and interesting topics at all of these events and hope to see you there!