delivering change - focus on outcomes

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  core event - delivering programmes

Managing programmes successfully requires more than well thought through governance and a methodical way of managing multiple projects - there is a need for the programme managers and their teams to deal with complexity and being faced with the realities of making decisions driven by benefit cases. This course does just that. It is about the attitudes and behaviours necessary to deliver programmes.

This course is available both in-company and on our open course schedule.

tactical workshops - addressing critical concerns

When implementing major change there are a number of critical concerns to address. These workshops are designed to provide clear guidance on topics to ensure the benefits are delivered.

Some of these masterclasses are available both in-company and on our open course schedule.

accreditation - managing successfull programmes (MSP)

This course, accredited by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), codifies the experiences of running programmes by large departmental organisations. There is no doubt that organisations benefit by introducing a controlled approach to the management of their programmes and by the end of the course, delegates are familiar with MSP processes, techniques and vocabulary, and can implement them. The course introduces delegates to the basic elements of a programme, and the issues and responsibilities facing individuals who control projects within programmes.

This course is available both in-company and on our open course schedule.


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MSP™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce