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   e:Project Management guide (e:PMguide)

The e:PMguide focuses on 'best practice', particularly the use of product-based planning and where the project critical success factors are proactively addressed to achieve the project's objective. Significant use is made of models to provide a structure for discussions and shared understanding and working.

Care is exercised in the use of terminology - words and phrases that have various interpretations within projects are given a clear and unambiguous meaning.

 e:Programme Management guide (e:PGMguide) & toolkit
Provides clear guidance based on best-practice. A practical guide for practitioners written by practitioners, to support the complex judgements involved in delivering the business vision through programmes.
In addition the toolkit, designed for the programme operations team analyses the business vision to create the critical information needed to execute programmes.
 e:Change Management guide (e:CMguide)
The e:CMguide supports organisations in assessing and undertaking change initiatives. This guide stresses the softer issues connected with managing change.
As with CITI's other guides, the e:CMguide focuses on the essentials that practitioners must consider.

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