Conducting health checks

This course is aimed at senior project managers and PSO staff who are likely to be involved in peer reviews or health-checks of projects within their own organisation. In contrast to auditing where the emphasis is usually on doing things right, a health check concentrates on doing the right things – ensuring the project will be a success in the eyes of the stakeholder.

What are the course objectives?

Participants leave the course confident that they understand the concept and practise of conducting health checks. Additionally they will have been equipped with a variety of tools and techniques that will allow them to conduct effective health checks.

What content is covered?

The course breaks into five components, covered under the topics area.

What are the key topics?
  • the purpose and philosophy supporting health checks, this includes the attitude and rationales that support the delivery of successful health checks
  • communications, how to translate the under-pinning models into the health-check environment and how to overcome the barriers that arise
  • techniques, including a detailed explanation of the critical models and hints on their application
  • outputs of the health check process and how to provoke effective actions as a result of the report/feedback given to the recipient/s
  • consolidation of the lessons learned.
What is the course format?

The day is designed to be highly participative and therefore uses a range of exercises that focus heavily on the practical application of models that can be applied to health checks. Brief set-piece exercises and case studies intersperse a series of semi-formal seminar type interventions.

What is the duration and cost of the course?

This is a one day masterclass.

We are not currently running this course as an open course available to the general public. However, if you have a minimum of 6 colleagues interested in completing this course please get in touch by clicking below and we can discuss in-company costs and availability.
Request a quote for an in-company course