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Spring 2007 - 1 Mb  

spring 2007
Ready for action: Translating good ideas into achieveable projects is a common problem. Even with that magic ingredient, ‘buy-in’; even when resources are actually available; it just doesn’t seem to happen. Find out how to make it work, see the article on the front page of bulletin, or book on to Christopher Worsley’s seminar on ‘translating strategy to action’ see the Project Challenge flyer enclosed.

The power of delivery: Problems with IT projects — especially government IT projects — are rarely out of the news. But a recent National Audit Office (NAO) report shows the other side of the coin - see inside for more.

A new wave of management: Historically, project portfolio management has been understood as the management of concerns associated with running multiple projects. Portfolio management is, in fact, much more than the management of a mere collection of projects or multi-project management, inside this issue find out how this new wave of management is now providing the big picture.


summer 2006
Forensic project management: The project lies bleeding on the floor. There is shock and disbelief – a feeling of, “How could this happen?” With the passage of time these emotions often harden into a search for culprits, “What went wrong?” and more vengefully, “Who is to blame?” Now is the time to call in the forensic experts… see the article on the front page of bulletin, or book on to Christopher Worsley’s seminar on forensic project management see the Project Challenge flyer enclosed.

Exactly the right qualification: BT can now boast that it has four of the six first UK project managers to be awarded the new Certificate in Managing Major Projects from the National Centre for Project Management at Middlesex University. To find out how to attain the Certificate, undertake the eligibility questionnaire at today.


summer 2006
Guiding light: All healthy cultures constantly evolve; the front page of Bulletin discusses how to manage organisational evolution. For a live debate on this subject we invite you to attend our session at Best Practice Showcase on the 9th June. Toni Frascina, Business Improvement Manager at Sheffield Hallam University, discusses cultural change and the challenges the University has overcome to deliver the Vice-Chancellor’s vision.

Nurturing your PPSO: So you’ve got a Project and Programme Support Office (PPSO) but how do you know if it’s serving your organisation’s needs? If you are a PPSO customer, a PPSO supplier, or work within the PPSO itself you need to be able to answer this question. To identify a route to a healthy, effective PPSO, you need to know what your current PPSO capability is. To find out how to assess your PPSO - read the article on page two and complete our online PPSO capability questionnaire at


spring 2006
Monitoring and control: This issue looks at the differences and uncovers the lack of support given on control techniques. You will also find enclosed with Bulletin, an invitation to the Project Challenge Spring show. Dr Christopher Worsley will be launching the show with a seminar on this topic – we look forward to seeing you there!

Project and programme support office: Well run project and programme support offices add value to businesses. This issue discusses some of the services CITI provides to this fundamental function, and highlights the emphasis that should be made on ensuring that PPSO staff are treated as professionals in their own right.


winter 2005
The Winter 2005 issue includes Christopher Worsley's article on qualifications vs. accreditations, a review of John Kotter's 'What leaders really do' and information on our benchmarking work with Middlesex University.

Bulletin subscribers also received the 2006 open course brochure with details of the courses, dates and venues for 2006. To download the full bulletin click here. The 2006 open course schedule can be viewed here.


summer 2005
Bright sparks – becoming a sponsor is often a role bestowed upon someone rather than a role you apply for. Christopher Worsley discusses how to develop your skills to rise to the challenge.

‘CofEe’ addicts – our new Centre of Excellence club brings together organisations working towards the same goals so they can share lessons learned, plans for the future, best practice approaches and other project management hot topics.


spring 2005
The spring 2005 issue discusses CITI's research into programme manager profiling, our work with Eurostar to develop their project management capability plus information on the bPPm event and our open course dates.

Also discusses CITI's collaboration with Middlesex University to run the post-graduate Certificate in Managing Major Projects (CMMP). You can check your eligibility now by clicking here.


winter 2004
This edition focuses on CITI's project catergorisation toolkit which has been used by many organisations to match their project portfolio to their project capability.
It also includes a copy of the 2005 open course schedule and a review of the PMI conference held in January 2004.

The case study in this issue describes the work we are doing with GCHQ to create a 'best in class' project community.

  summer 2004
Portfolio management is a hot topic with many of our clients and so features heavily in this issue of bulletin. Client case studies include Sheffield Hallam University, who have recently purchased the new CITI change management guide (e:CMguide). Click the icon to view the demonstrator.

spring 2004
The safe in their hands article investigates programme manager profiling and how CITI can help choose the right individual to lead the programme. Read more about our programme manager profiling here.

Case studies featured in this issue are CITI's involvement with Eurostar and Diageo. along with information on how to attend one of our open courses. This issue also features a book review and the upcoming bPPm (formerly ProjectWorld) event at the Olympia, London

  summer 2003
The focus of this issue is the release of CITI's electronic tools; the e:PMguide, e:PGMguide and e:PSO. The e:PSO has been developed in partnership with VCS in the USA. To download the PDF version click on the image of the bulletin. Demonstration versions of our e:tools can be accessed using the links below.
  spring 2003
Strength in Structures: Christopher Worsley discusses the key to effective governance. Thoroughbred projects: CITI develops the project capability of Lloyds TSB with a tailor made solution. Further information on project governance can be found in the e:PGMguide below.

autumn 2002
The Autumn CITI Bulletin describes how clients, working in partnership with CITI, have transformed their organisational capability to deliver programmes and business critical projects. We have also enclosed information on two outstanding events aimed at showcasing best-practice and solutions in project and programme management from around the world. CITI are supporting both of these events


summer 2002
Inside this issue, you will also find the event programme for CITI's open course offerings. Our development programmes enable business and technology based project management teams to master change, providing a clear and accredited progression route from small work-package management through to complex cross-organisational strategic change.

  spring 2002
This edition focuses on our fast-start service which allows you to get your programmes up and running quickly. It also includes information on our enterprise blueprinting approach which helps clients move from where they are now to their future business vision.
  summer 2001
The Summer copy of the CITI bulletin describes how clients, working in partnership with CITI, have successfully delivered business critical programmes and key projects.
Inside this issue, you will also find the event programme for ProjectWorld 2001, taking place on the 3rd and 4th October at the NEC, Birmingham. CITI are proud to sponsor this prestigious event.
  spring 2001
The Spring CITI Bulletin guides you through a journey of experiences in delivering successful projects and programmes. The focus this issue is on the identification and placement of the right project manager for the job. Whether you choose to identify and support an internal project manager or to buy the person in - trust is not enough - you must be confident of success.
  autumn 2000
The Autumn CITI Bulletin describes client experiences in delivering successful projects and programmes throughout the UK. Read the front page to discover the secrets of success, the centre spread to find the right project manager and the back page for best practice in project management.

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