execution - focus on delivery

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execution support - project and programme execution

CITI is highly experienced in managing change programmes and projects and we have at our disposal the right people to carry out the job successfully. When the need is immediate, our pool of professional managers are dedicated to delivering your projects and programmes successfully.

CITI is not another recruitment agency, body shop or a consultancy firm. We do not engulf your organisation. We specialise in executing your initiatives successfully whilst transferring knowledge, expertise and understanding into your business.

Our consultants are professional project or programme managers, who are carefully selected and matched to both your specific requirements and organisational culture. They have:

  • at least 10 years professional experience
  • at least 3 complex assignments successfully completed
  • externally recognised project management qualifications from the APM or PMI, or a technical qualification such as PRINCE2TM or ISEB and an MBA or equivalent business qualification
  • a proven profile against the CITI Project Manager Capability Assessment (PMCA)

All assignments are monitored by experienced project managers within CITI who act as project directors to ensure that CITI delivers on its promises.

CITI in action - working together to consolidate the systems

An aggressive and successful acquisition strategy fuelled a fourfold increase in revenue for a UK manufacturing client. As success was tempered by the realisation that each of the acquired organisations came with its own back office processes and IT systems, the senior management team opted to implement SAP throughout the group.

A CITI programme manager was assigned, equipped with a comprehensive and proven toolkit to design, plan and oversee the delivery of a SAP implementation that had specific and measurable benefits.

While successfully delivering the programme over a period of 13 months the CITI programme manager overcame the "just do it" culture and achieved a skills transfer to key personnel enabling continuous cost effective change focused on clear business benefits.


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PRINCE2™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce

MSP™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce