support: investing in sponsorship is essential for project
success. Read our front page story for a thought provoking
insight from David MacLeod, Principal Consultant, CITI.
a tailored solution: with a large portfolio of business
improvement initiatives in the pipeline, Severn Trent Laboratories
(STL), the most comprehensive environmental testing company
in the UK, quickly recognised the need to professionalise
project management. Simon Marshall, STLs Operations
Director, discusses how this worked and what value professionalisation
has brought to their operations and people.
complex issue: complexity equates to risk. How can you
reduce project complexity, and thereby bring project risk
within manageable limits? Geoff Vincent, Principal Consultant,
CITI, shares his views on this problem.
and events: see the back page for up and coming events
including: Best Practice Showcase, Centre for Excellence Club
and the Best Practice User Group one-day workshop.
the right choice: Youll remember the old days
when you needed a project run, youd find someone who
was available and give it to them. Easy! of course, there
were performance problems: things done poorly, things not
done but you were used to that! Find out how our recent
analysis of over 500 companies can help you to identify what
makes a good project manager.
track for success: Eurostars HS1 Programme Office
Manager, Elaine Davies, shares with us the importance of understanding
and managing the seven critical steps to programme success
following the launch of the Eurostar High Speed 1 (HS1) -
a new era in short-haul travel between the UK and mainland
higher: An insight into some of the events we will be
attending in 2008 - including Project Challenge Spring 2008,
and Unicom - effective programme and project management.
mission: DNA is rarely out of the news. DNA solves crimes
that no other technique can touch, while promising even more
dramatic advances in healthcare. Is there anything equivalent
in the project world? This article uncovers the links between
project DNA and how that impacts on success and failure.
the lights on: A power station thats not working
can be extremely costly! So an essential aspect of operating
power stations is to carefully manage the times when a station
is taken offline and out of production, for scheduled
maintenance and repair to take place. RWE npower discuss the
benefits of using project management to keep the lights on!
and coming events: To keep you abreast of what is happening
in the world of project and programme management we have enclosed
with Bulletin three invitations to key industry events coming
up over the next few months. Put a date in your diary for
Project Challenge on the 1920 September 2007, APM Project
Management Conference - The Business of Projects on the 30-31
October 2007, and Unicom - Key Steps to Successful Programme
and Project Management on the 20 - 21 November 2007.
to take control: In this issue we describe the outstanding
achievements of the UK's National Air Traffics Services (NATS)
in their commitment to programme excellence - view the centre
spread for the full story.
matter or project expert: According to The Standish Group
(which focuses on IT projects) project management (PM) is
today a factor near to the top of the list of success factors.
But what is really meant by experienced in this
of faith: How do you, as a project manager, convey the
importance of project management to a new upper-level manager
or CEO? Stakeholder management and knowing your audience are
the keys. Knowing how to clearly present the case to the dubious
executive or CEO is the first step. Nick Dobson, CITI Principal
Consultant, explains the importance of engaging your CEO in
project management.
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