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Association for Project Management
The Association for Project Management is the largest independent professional body of its kind in Europe. It has over 13,500 individual and 240 corporate members throughout the UK and abroad. APM’s key objectives are to develop and promote excellence in project management across all sectors of industry.

  Project Management Institute
Established in 1969 and headquartered outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, the Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world’s leading not-for-profit project management professional association, with over 100,000 members worldwide.

PSO Forum
This is a non-commercial website promoting knowledge sharing in the field of Project Support Office (PSO) / Programme Support Office (PgSO) / Project Management Office (PMO). The site aims to provide a central information source for PSO professionals and those interested in this specialised field of the Project Management Community.

  Virtual Communications Services
VCS was founded by two Ernst and Young IT managers who believed that many companies were struggling to complete projects on-time, within budget, and to promised user requirements. From a guiding principle of simple - sensible - supportable solutions, the Virtual Program Management Intranet was born and quickly adopted by Fortune 500 companies around the world. It is with VCS that we have created the e:PSO powered by VPMi.
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