specialist Communicating
the vision with such clarity that it can be implemented, is
the critical factor in making change happen for directors
of change and programme managers. At this level, our focus
is on enhancing leadership skills, concentrating on benefits
realisation, and optimising the project portfolio for maximum
throughput. In this section we describe what we offer to ensure
those directing and delivering change have exposure to leading
practices and techniques that work.
professional Experienced project
managers require good judgment to succeed. The advanced level
of development takes good project managers, who handle complex
cross-functional projects and makes them professionals in their
field. It challenges the basis upon which they make their project
judgments and analyses the principal causes of complexity in
difficult projects. At this level project management is as much
about power and poltics as the plan.
practitioner Most project managers
learn on-the-job. This level of development gives these intuitive
project managers the skills and capability they need to safely
manage moderately complex projects. The interactions are practice
based, making use of up to date case studies to provide real
experiences. It provides tools and techniques to run projects
successfully with understanding and confidence by exploiting
the key disciplines of project management.
principles Many
people are now affected by projects and the way they are managed.
Those whose jobs are changed by project outcomes need an awareness
of projects and the challenges faced by project managers. This
introductory level of development is predominantly knowledge-based
interactions aimed at those who are about to become or have
just recently become involved in projects but are not project