Highly experienced portfolio tutors

Due to the experience of most portfolio managers our approach to learning at this level is to challenge delegates’ current approaches and through case studies allow them time to reflect on how their approach differs from best practice. Time is provided in the course for the delegates to share their own experiences and discuss how and why they use their current approach.

By giving delegates time to reflect on how they will apply the learning we ensure that the delegates make long term changes to their portfolio management approach.

Peter Collin

Peter has had many years of practical senior management experience obtaining a thorough grounding in portfolio management covering sales, marketing, human resource and systems projects.

Ensuring such portfolios achieved corporate objectives has given him ‘hands-on’ skill in the discipline. As Peter is particularly interested in maximising the impact and benefits that change initiatives should have on organisations this, coupled to his skills of facilitation, interviewing and problem solving have been valuable in structuring balanced, value-adding portfolios. His lively and engaging delivery style ensure that the necessary messages become embedded with his delegates.

Chris Hobson

Chris has over 25 years’ project, programme and portfolio management experience, focussed on leading the delivery of highly complex, multi-million pound developments in the financial services sector.

The ability to balance such portfolios of projects, coupled to a strength in recognising critical problems and devising corrective actions to ensure successful delivery have been the hall-mark of his practical approach.

His practical experience is reinforced by a strong intellectual desire for education, his plaudits include Chair of the ISEB project management board, sitting on the PRINCE2* steering group, the development and delivery of training events and the presentation of papers at numerous conferences. As an experienced and highly regarded public speaker Chris never fails to attract his delegates attention.

* PRINCE2™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce