CITI propositions - let us solve your issue
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Tailored solutions
Please select the statement
that matches your business need:

Implementing change
We want to change
We need to implement a new strategy
We need to deliver a change programme
Legislation or other factors are forcing us to change
We have an overwhelming portfolio of mandatory projects
We need to improve governance
We need more resources or we need temporary or interim resources
We do not have enough resources
We don't have the skills available for project or programme management
We do not want to employ project and programme skills but we have projects and programmes that must succeed
Improving capability
We need to improve our capability in projects and programmes
We need to run projects and programmes better
Project and programme performance is part of the company strategy
We need to become accredited or qualified in project and programme management
Our policy is that our project managers have to be accredited
We want to be recognised in our industry as being good or excellent in project management

Understanding capability

We do not know or understand what our current capability is in project and programme management
We are not good at matching people to appropriate roles at project, programme, sponsor and business levels
We need to understand how we compare to industry standards or benchmarks in project management capability

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