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advanced education for advanced project managers

To take participant learning one step closer to real life situations, CITI are delighted to introduce a revolutionary participant experience that has been incorporated into CITI advanced programmes and master classes including the postgraduate Certificate in Managing Major Projects and stakeholder management.

Developed by Prendo, participants are given direct experience of controlling project execution in the safety of a simulated environment. The video below is a demonstration version of the software showing the office environment, messaging system and meeting format.


The simulation combines the latest academic thinking on project leadership with experience of what works practically in real business projects. It fills the gap for project managers between knowing the methods and techniques and actually using them effectively in complex, real situations. The difference that this learning technique gives is an advanced online reporting tool that tracks the actions of each simulation session in real time, providing essential information on the performance of an individual or group. This information allows facilitators to tailor and reinforce learning techniques, and provide immediate feedback on success to participants.

For more information about simulation techniques and developing advanced project managers, please contact us on 01908 283600.


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