Sweating your PPSO's assets
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Sweating your PPSO's assets
17-18th September 2008
Warwich conferences, Coventry

Sweating Your PPSOs Assets - How do you get best value out of what you already have?

Successful PPSOs all have one thing in common - they know what their assets are and they really know how to work them for the benefit of the individuals who work within them, the programme and projects they support and the organisation they're a part of. So will PPSOs continue to sweat their assets to extract the best possible service offerings in these belt tightening, credit crunch, recession fearing times?

In this 14th conference, delegates will be taken through the most valuable assets their PPSO has and learn more about how they can get the most value out of what they already have without the need for extra spend and resources.

Presentations, workshops, networking and Q&As concentrating on the four main assets of infrastructure, skillsets/knowledge, personal skills and information, will give delegates a whole host of new ideas to take away and implement. And that's not all, previous delegates found that "the sharing of experiences, etc. from a wide range of different organisations" was invaluable and "meeting like-minded people & having relevant, realistic discussions" were just as important as the presentations.

From CITI John Zachar, Principal Consultant, with years of experience in delivering consultancy and training in PPSOs and Adrian Wilson, Lead Trainer, his specialist areas include PRINCE2 and APM will be presenting throughout day one.

"PPSO Physical Assets" - John Zachar will be kicking off the theme with an interactive session on the physical resources of the PPSO, covering areas such as location, premises, workspace and libraries. Do you use all the available resources within your organisation?

"PPSO Knowledge Assets" - Throughout the afternoon Adrian Wilson will present on the three knowledge assets, "Risk Identification and Management", "Earned Value" and "Configuration & Change Management".

For the full agenda and to register as a delegate on this two-day event please visit www.ppsosig.co.uk/Events.php. Or to speak with us today please call 01908 283 600.



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