capability When your need is
immediate, our pool of accredited project and programme managers
can support you. Through four unique offerings we provide consultants
to transform your vision into a benefits driven programme, managers
to deliver your projects and programmes, a fully operational
support office or a project expert to provide specialist assistance.
capability Our learning solutions
are based on more than 15 years of extensive research into what
makes project managers successful, and the factors that lead
to programme success. Based on this research we have developed
profiling tools for project managers, programme managers, analysts
and project sponsors.
capability CITI's
approach to management development is to create courses that
reflect leading edge research and opinion and yet are grounded
in practical reality. To achieve this we combine academic credentials
with hands-on experience of delivery of major projects and programmes
in the commercial market place.
nearly 20 years experience in delivering projects and programmes,
we know what really works. Our specialist tools and consultancy
services strike at the heart of project and programme management
culture, providing your teams with simple, quick surgical solutions.